A set of utils that help with geometry (line, circle, triangle, polygon,…)
- distance from a point to a line
- check if to line segments intersect
- find intersect point of 2 line segments
- get area or perimeter of shapes,
- calculate circumcircle or incircle of a polygon
- check if a point is in side a polygon
Installing the library:
Like any other package, add the library to your pubspec.yaml dependencies:
geometry_kit: <latest_version>
Then import it wherever you want to use it:
import 'package:fetching_state/fetching_state.dart';
// Line
final line1 = Line(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 0));
final line2 = Line(Point(0, -1), Point(3, 2));
final intersect = LineUtils.getSegmentIntersect(line1, line2);
print(intersect); //Point(1.5, 0.5)
final polygon = [
Point(1, 0),
Point(0, 2),
Point(0, 3),
Point(2, 5),
Point(3, 5),
Point(5, 3),
Point(5, 1),
Point(3, 0),
final point1 = Point<num>(5, 2);
var isInside = PolygonUtils.isInsidePolygon(point1, polygon);
print(isInside); // true