In order to provide basic knowledge about web development for those who are interested in building a web page.
This section is designed for Computer Programmer level 2 at Algonquin college to have a strong foundation and some advance knowledge of structuring HTML, CSS selection and styling, basic JavaScript code, understanding DOM & DOM manipulation.
Outcome: This tutorial is created to provide you with enough knowledge to work on Web programming week 6 bonus by yourself
Guarantee: I will help you to check on your week 6 bonus, refactor the code after you trying to make it done.
Basic Web and DOM Manipulation (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM) Tutorial
Below is the content of this tutorial section:
- What is HTML
- Define HTML structure
- Block element vs Inline Element
- Block components
- Id and class for HTML elements
- CSS selector
- Combine selector
- General selector
- Descendant selector
- Basic styling
- Data type, declare and assign variable
- Function, global variable vs Scope variable
- Array and Object in Js
- Boolean Logic in JS
- Using Chrome develop tool
DOM and DOM manipulation:
- What is DOM
- How to manipulate DOM
- DOM selector
- Event & Event handling
- Appending HTML content and DOM structure
Tutorial section information:
Duration: 2 hours.
- In person: you can book me at Algonquin peer tutoring and search for my name (Ngoc Sang Nguyen) under the course number: CTS8101
- In Group: 14CAD/person for 3-5 people section